What is Skinpen®?
Skinpen is a skin re-modelling device that improves fine lines, wrinkles, skin tone, skin texture, skin laxity, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring and surgical scarring anywhere on the body including neck, chest and hands.
How does it work?
Skinpen stimulates collagen and elastin production by comfortably puncturing the skin with thousands of tiny holes triggering the body’s natural wound healing process.
Why use it?
The treatment is fantastic for a range of skin concerns as listed above and also if you’re just starting your skin rejuvenation journey and not quite ready for anything too invasive but also compliments a range of injectable treatments.
Will it work for me?
In short, yes. As long as none of the contraindications apply to you, then it’s ok for you to have the treatment. The amount of treatments required to improve skin texture etc will depend on the condition of your skin. If you have deep set wrinkles or severe acne scarring then a course of six onwards (one treatment per month) is something I would recommend. If you’re looking to just improve the radiance and overall skintone and maintain collagen production I would recommend one every three to four months (again depending on age and current skin health) and support this by using quality professional homecare products.